Here are our heroes:
Z Gorres defeated Eric Ortiz.
AJ Banal floored Jorge Cardenas at 115 lb.
Michael Domingo vanquished Miguel Roman at 122 lb
and Diosdado Gabi made Jose Beranza look like an amateur at 115 lb.
And like magic - sort of a jin-worked miracle - Gerry Peñalosa is champion again. 35 years old and close to the cliff of forgetfulness, he managed to comeback a la Rocky Balboa - with a cinematic liver punch knocking the lights out of his Mexican opponent, Johnny Gonzales. Peñalosa marched in his version of a Swan Song, emerging as the WBO bantamweight champion.Philippines now takes possession of the World Cup, a gem-studded trophy estimated to cost $500,000.
Yeah! We trashed 'em real hard. It's a pity Bautista lost. Probably better though for the long term. Boxers have to lose in the beginning of a career. Makes 'em better champions.
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!